Inglés preparación acreditación A1, A2, B1, B2

Inglés preparación acreditación A1, A2, B1, B2

Inglés A1

Título: Inglés A1

Objetivos: Con este curso el usuario deberá ser capaz de comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, así como frases sencillas. También podrá presentarse a sí mismo, solicitar o facilitar información personal básica. Podrá relacionarse de forma elemental.
A lo largo del temario aprenderá: Verb to be – There is – there are – Adjetivos posesivos – Pronombres interrogativos – Formas interrogativas y negativas – Verb to have to – Saxon genitive – plural de sustantivos – Presente simple – formas interrogativas – pronombres personales – adjetivos posesivos – Conjugación Presente simple – formas interrogativas – artículos indefinidos y definidos – there is – there are – preposiciones de lugar – some, any – adjetivos demostrativos – present continuous – pronombres posesivos – adjetivos posesivos – Verbo can – pasado del verbo to be – past simple- verbos regulares e irregulares – preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo – verbo like – would like – could – would – some y any
Horas: 90

1 Unit 1 – Verb to be – There is – there are – Adjetivos posesivos – Pronombres interrogativos
1.1 Presentations
1.2 Alphabet
1.3 Nouns
1.4 Adjetives Nationality
1.5 Verb to be
1.6 The indefinite article
1.7 Possesive adjetives
1.8 There is – There are
1.9 Presentation
1.10 Listening
1.11 Make true sentences
1.12 Tick the correct sentences
1.13 Listening and writing
1.14 Numbers
1.15 Writing
1.16 Grammar practice
1.17 Self Evaluation Exercises
1.18 Complete the conversation
1.19 Write sentences using the following words
1.20 Write about the people
1.21 Questions with questions words
1.22 Making negatives
1.23 Write the long forms
1.24 Possessive adjectives
1.25 Countries and nationalities
1.26 Vocabulary and Pronunciation
1.27 Complete the sentences
1.28 Questions about yourself
1.29 Write about a person in your family
1.30 Complete the conversation
1.31 Write a short description
1.32 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1
2 Unit 2 – Formas interrogativas y negativas – Verb to have to – Saxon genitive – plural de sustantivos
2.1 Address abbreviations
2.2 Plural nouns
2.3 Listening
2.4 Verb to have got
2.5 Qualifying adjectives
2.6 Saxon genitive
2.7 Listening
2.8 Write sentences explaining the relationship
2.9 Vocabulary
2.10 Asking for Personal Information
2.11 Reading practice
2.12 Listening and speaking
2.13 Listening – Phone numbers
2.14 Grammar practice
2.15 Answer the questions
2.16 Write sentences as in the example
2.17 Complete the sentences
2.18 Listening
2.19 Write suitable questions
2.20 Short answers
2.21 Write the short forms
2.22 Write the long forms
2.23 A family tree
2.24 Possessive
2.25 Writing
2.26 Listening
2.27 Write a short composition
2.28 Writing
2.29 Complete the conversation
2.30 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2
3 Unit 3 – Presente simple – formas interrogativas – pronombres personales – adjetivos posesivos
3.1 Ways to ask for time
3.2 Ways of telling time
3.3 Other expresions about time
3.4 What time is it
3.5 Present Simple
3.6 Vocabulary
3.7 Spelling rules
3.8 Choose the right option
3.9 Tick the correct sentences
3.10 Vocabulary
3.11 Jobs
3.12 Finish the definitions
3.13 Different things for different people
3.14 Reading and listening
3.15 Complete the sentences
3.16 Write sentences
3.17 Fill in the application
3.18 Questions and Negatives
3.19 Listening
3.20 Write questions
3.21 Personal pronouns
3.22 Complete the sentences
3.23 Grammar practice
3.24 Complete the sentences
3.25 Write the questions
3.26 Complete the dialogues
3.27 Write short answers
3.28 Complete the sentences
3.29 Correct the sentences
3.30 Daily Routines
3.31 Read the text and substitute
3.32 Write a short composition
3.33 Read and complete the sentences
3.34 Writing
3.35 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3
4 Unit 4 – Conjugación Presente simple – formas interrogativas – artículos indefinidos y definidos
4.1 Pardon, Sorry and Excuse me
4.2 Simple Present
4.3 Verbos like – love – hate
4.4 The weather expressions
4.5 Verbs and exppressions to talk about you like
4.6 Watch the video and read the script
4.7 True or False
4.8 Correct the previous false sentences
4.9 What pet do you like best
4.10 Listening
4.11 Indefinite article
4.12 Definite article
4.13 Day life. Reading and listening
4.14 Fill in the gaps
4.15 Listening
4.16 Now you ask Charles some questions
4.17 Present Simple summary
4.18 Language in use
4.19 Uso del verbo play
4.20 Correct these sentences
4.21 Vocabulary practice
4.22 Write Play or Go
4.23 Listening
4.24 Listening and speaking practice
4.25 Complete the sentences
4.26 Write a question for each of the following answers
4.27 Write questions and answers
4.28 Look at Sheila and George again
4.29 Write five sentences
4.30 Complete this conversation
4.31 Listening and speaking
4.32 Complete with a suitable form of the verb be or do
4.33 Rewrite sentences using the correct article
4.34 Vocabulary
4.35 Find a suitable verb for each of the definitions
4.36 There is one mistake in each sentence
4.37 Answer these questions about yourself
4.38 Make sentences as in the example
4.39 Write a few more similar sentences about yourself
4.40 Study Box
4.41 Study the above and answer these questions about yourself
4.42 Writing
4.43 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4
5 Unit 5 – there is – there are – preposiciones de lugar – some, any – adjetivos demostrativos
5.1 Homophones words
5.2 Public establishments and shop
5.3 Parts of a house
5.4 Grammar Help Box
5.5 Some – Any
5.6 Grammar practice
5.7 Prepositions of place
5.8 Look up these words in a dictionary
5.9 Complete the description of the room
5.10 Demostrative adjectives
5.11 Read
5.12 Reading comprehension check
5.13 Listening
5.14 Draw a map of the area where you live
5.15 Watch the video then read the dialogue
5.16 Answer the questions
5.17 Writing practice
5.18 Vocabulary practice
5.19 Fill in the blanks
5.20 Grammar practice
5.21 Give the names of the buildings
5.22 Vocabulary practice
5.23 Write the questions for the answers below
5.24 Say which are right and which are wrong
5.25 Look at the picture below
5.26 Reading
5.27 Answer the following questions using full sentences
5.28 Writing
5.29 Fill in the blanks
5.30 Put the sentences below in the right order
5.31 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5
6 Unit 6 – present continuous – pronombres posesivos – adjetivos posesivos
6.1 Verbs dressing
6.2 Write the opposites of these adjectives
6.3 Possessive pronouns
6.4 The Present Continuous Tense
6.5 Listening
6.6 Comprehension check
6.7 Writing
6.8 Read the following sentences
6.9 Read the following article
6.10 Label the different parts of the body
6.11 Describe the people in the pictures
6.12 Louise lost her luggage at the airport
6.13 Clothes and accesories
6.14 Present Simple or Present Continuous
6.15 Each sentence has a mistake
6.16 Going shopping
6.17 Differences between pictures A and B
6.18 Grammar practice
6.19 Put the words in the right order
6.20 Complete with a suitable possessive adjective or pronoun
6.21 Finish the sentences with the Present
6.22 Write a composition describing yourself
6.23 Write a composition on one of the following topics
6.24 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6
7 Unit 7 – Verbo can – pasado del verbo to be
7.1 Vocabulary related to the airport
7.2 El verbo Can
7.3 Could
7.4 El pasado del verbo to be
7.5 Watch the video then read the script
7.6 Write about classmates
7.7 Reading and writing
7.8 Reading
7.9 Write full sentences
7.10 Fill in the blanks
7.11 Reading
7.12 True or false sentences
7.13 Preposition of time
7.14 Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B
7.15 Grammar practice
7.16 Listening
7.17 Language in use
7.18 Vocabulary practice
7.19 Complete the paragraph
7.20 Write out the questions for the following answers
7.21 Grammar practice
7.22 There is a mistake in each of the following sentences
7.23 Complete the sentences
7.24 Write the right preposition
7.25 Complete the statements
7.26 Vocabulary practice
7.27 Write a short composition
7.28 Language in use
7.29 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7
8 Unit 8 – past simple- verbos regulares e irregulares – preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo
8.1 Celebrations
8.2 Popular celebrations
8.3 Rooms types in a hotel
8.4 The Past Simple Tense
8.5 A Business Trip
8.6 Comprehension check
8.7 Answer the following questions
8.8 Vocabulary practice
8.9 Listen and fill in the gaps
8.10 Grammar practice
8.11 Substitute the underlined verbs
8.12 List of Irregular Verbs
8.13 Change the following sentences
8.14 Grammar practice
8.15 Insert the necessary words to complete the text
8.16 Match the first part of the sentences
8.17 Finish the sentences with a suitable time expression
8.18 Holiday Vocabulary
8.19 Reading
8.20 Grammar practice
8.21 Vocabulary practice
8.22 Give the past simple form of the following verbs
8.23 Write five sentences in the past simple
8.24 Answer the following questions
8.25 Writing
8.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8
9 Unit 9 – verbo like – would like – could – would – some y any
9.1 Typical shops
9.2 Courtesies
9.3 Verb like and would like
9.4 Some y Any
9.5 Countable and uncountable nouns
9.6 How many – How much
9.7 Language in use
9.8 Grammar practice
9.9 Fill in the blanks
9.10 Dictionary
9.11 Now write sentences as in the example
9.12 Reading and listening
9.13 Martin goes to the greengrocer
9.14 Ordering a meal
9.15 Grammar practice
9.16 Writing and listening
9.17 Complete and study the following expressions
9.18 Watch the video and complete the dialogue
9.19 Vocabulary
9.20 Choose the correct sentence
9.21 Writing and listening
9.22 Now correct the following sentences
9.23 Translate the sentences into your own language
9.24 Answer the following questions
9.25 Writing
9.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 9
9.27 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final

Inglés A2

Título: Inglés A2

Objetivos: Este curso buscar capacitar al alumnado para el uso del idioma de manera sencilla y eficaz, buscando el comprender, expresarse e interactuar, en situaciones cotidianas, que necesiten el comprender y enfrentarse a textos breves, que traten aspectos básicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones, estructuras y léxico de uso frecuente. A lo largo del temario estudiará: Formas comparativa y superlativa – preposiciones de movimiento o dirección – imperativos – Present Simple – Present continuous – pronombres posesivos – adjetivos posesivos – Going to – infinitivo – shall, let – how about – Formas interrogativas – have to – Past simple – preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo – respuestas cortas afirmativas – Past continuous – past simple – Will – going to – present continuous – question tags – Present simple – present continuous – past simple – goint to y will – adverbios de frecuencia – expresiones de tiempo
Horas: 90

1 Unit 1 – formas comparativa y superlativa – preposiciones de movimiento o dirección – imperativos
1.1 Estructuras más usuales para hablar del tiempo
1.2 El adjetivo. Forma comparativa
1.3 El adjetivo. Forma superlativa
1.4 Imperatives
1.5 Preposiciones de dirección o movimiento
1.6 Watch the video then read the script
1.7 Comparing cities
1.8 Write the comparative
1.9 Write the opposites
1.10 Complete the sentences
1.11 Study the Grammar Box
1.12 Write the superlative forms
1.13 Complete the sentences
1.14 Watch the video then read the script
1.15 Complete the sentences
1.16 Watch the video then read the script
1.17 Vocabulary practice
1.18 Preposiciones de dirección o movimiento
1.19 Now look at the map
1.20 Give the comparative form
1.21 Complete the sentences using a comparative
1.22 Write a comparative sentence
1.23 Language in use
1.24 Grammar practice
1.25 Test your knowledge
1.26 Vocabulary practice
1.27 Put the words in the correct order
1.28 Complete the sentences with the prepositions
1.29 Language in use
1.30 Grammar practice
1.31 Language in use
1.32 Writing
1.33 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1
2 Unit 2 – Present Simple – Present continuous – pronombres posesivos – adjetivos posesivos
2.1 The Present Simple
2.2 Los verbos asociados con el tema de la vestimenta
2.3 Write the opposites of these adjectives
2.4 The Present Continuous Tense
2.5 Los pronombres posesivos
2.6 Listening
2.7 Comprehension check
2.8 Writing
2.9 Read the following sentences
2.10 Read the following article
2.11 Label the different parts of the body
2.12 Describe the people in the pictures
2.13 Louise lost her luggage at the airport
2.14 Clothes and accesories
2.15 Present Simple or Present Continuous
2.16 Each sentence has a mistake
2.17 Going shopping
2.18 Differences between pictures A and B
2.19 Grammar practice
2.20 Put the words in the right order
2.21 Complete with a suitable possessive adjective or pronoun
2.22 Finish the sentences with the Present
2.23 Write a composition describing yourself
2.24 Write a composition on one of the following topics
2.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2
3 Unit 3 – going to – infinitivo – shall, let – how about
3.1 Los distintos medios de comunicacion
3.2 Distintas formulas para hacer sugerencias
3.3 Language in use
3.4 Going to
3.5 El infinitivo de intencionalidad
3.6 Now check with the grammar box
3.7 Read it then answer the questions
3.8 Now write all the sentences
3.9 Find words in the fax that match the following definitions
3.10 Choose the correct verb
3.11 Making arrangements
3.12 Grammar
3.13 Rewrite the sentences
3.14 Watch the video then read the script
3.15 Comprehension check
3.16 Language in use
3.17 Respond to the statements below with a question
3.18 Put a preposition into each gap
3.19 Grammar practice
3.20 Vocabulary practice
3.21 Writing
3.22 Complete the following sentences
3.23 Writing
3.24 Grammar practice
3.25 Writing
3.26 Write true sentences
3.27 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3
4 Unit 4 – formas interrogativas – have to
4.1 Vocabulario mas utilizado en las estaciones de ferrocarril
4.2 Las formas interrogativas
4.3 Grammar practice
4.4 Los adverbios de modo
4.5 Have to
4.6 Say y tell
4.7 An Unlikely Accident
4.8 Watch the video again and answer the questions
4.9 Match each word with its synonym
4.10 Grammar Box
4.11 Read the following newspaper article
4.12 Look for all the adverbs in the newspaper article
4.13 Choose the correct word
4.14 Fill in the gaps
4.15 Grammar practice
4.16 Read the text below and answer the questions
4.17 Try to complete the dialogue
4.18 Match the definitions
4.19 Put the words in the following questions in the right order
4.20 Choose a verb and an adverb
4.21 Put the sentences in the right order
4.22 Respond to the following questions
4.23 Write ten sentences about yourself
4.24 Answer the questions below in the short form
4.25 Choose one of the following topics and write a composition
4.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4
5 Unit 5 – past simple – preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo – respuestas cortas afirmativas
5.1 Celebraciones y ceremonias personales
5.2 Formulas de cortesia
5.3 The Past Simple Tense
5.4 Los números ordinales
5.5 Vocabulary Help Box
5.6 Write the following dates in two different ways
5.7 Time expressions
5.8 Listening
5.9 Make and do
5.10 Ago
5.11 Rewrite the following sentences
5.12 Fill in the blanks
5.13 The Telephone Conversation
5.14 Find expressions in the dialogue which mean
5.15 The following statements
5.16 List of Irregular Verbs
5.17 Grammar practice
5.18 Read and complete the text
5.19 Love at First Sight
5.20 Listening
5.21 Complete the sentences
5.22 Write questions and answers about the story
5.23 Grammar Help Box
5.24 Writing
5.25 Read the text and choose the correct option
5.26 Writing
5.27 Answer the following questions using the information below
5.28 The Interview
5.29 Listening
5.30 Write the opposite of these words
5.31 Fill in the blanks
5.32 Answer the questions about yourself
5.33 Language in use
5.34 Writing
5.35 Language in use
5.36 Write some sentences about yourself
5.37 Translate the following sentences
5.38 Look at the pictures and write a paragraph explaining what happened
5.39 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5
6 Unit 6 – past continuous – past simple
6.1 Vocabulario relacionado con el tema de la delincuencia
6.2 La diferencia entre steal y rob
6.3 The past continuous tense
6.4 Las expresiones de cantidad
6.5 An investigation
6.6 Vocabulary
6.7 Watch the video then read the script
6.8 Say whether the statements are true or false
6.9 Grammar practice
6.10 Getting back to work
6.11 Grammar practice
6.12 Complete the following text
6.13 Reading
6.14 Vocabulary practice
6.15 Choose the correct form of the verb
6.16 Corret the following sentences
6.17 Writing
6.18 Answer the following questions about yourself
6.19 Writing
6.20 What were you doing
6.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6
7 Unit 7 – will – going to – present continuous – question tags
7.1 Las diferentes formas de ofrecer y pedir ayuda
7.2 Los sufijos para crear nuevo vocabulario
7.3 Going to
7.4 Will
7.5 The present continuous tense
7.6 Question Tags
7.7 Read the fax and choose the right option
7.8 Watch the video and answer the questions
7.9 True or False
7.10 Complete the following sentences
7.11 Watch the video and read the script
7.12 Grammar
7.13 Listening
7.14 Language in use
7.15 Making arrangements
7.16 Grammar practice
7.17 Now check your answers
7.18 Grammar Box
7.19 Complete the sentences
7.20 Vocabulary practice
7.21 Writing
7.22 Complete the conversation
7.23 Vocabulary practice
7.24 Reading
7.25 Writing
7.26 Grammar practice
7.27 Finish each statement with a question tag
7.28 Writing
7.29 Answer the following questions below
7.30 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7
8 Unit 8 – present simple – present continuous – past simple – goint to y will – adverbios de frecuencia – expresiones de tiempo
8.1 Vocabulario más usual para describir dolencias
8.2 Present simple or present continuous
8.3 Past Simple or Past Continuous
8.4 Future
8.5 Vocabulario
8.6 At the Office
8.7 Stationery and office supplies
8.8 Reading Comprehension
8.9 True or False
8.10 Vocabulary practice
8.11 Complete the sentences
8.12 Complete the script
8.13 Listening
8.14 Vocabulary practice
8.15 Translate these expressions
8.16 Reading
8.17 Read the letter again
8.18 Read the following thank you notes
8.19 Grammar practice
8.20 Complete the sentences
8.21 Language in use
8.22 Write a dialogue
8.23 Complete the sentences
8.24 Grammar practice
8.25 Complete the sentences
8.26 Writing
8.27 Grammar practice
8.28 Complete the conversation
8.29 Writing
8.30 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8
8.31 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final

Inglés B1

Título: Inglés B1

Objetivos: El curso tiene como objetivo que el alumnado maneje el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, así como comprender y producir textos en una variedad de contextos, con estructuras habituales y un léxico común no muy idiomático, y que traten sobre temas genéricoss, cotidianos o de interés personal.
A lo largo del temario se tratará: Present perfect – past simple – Past Continuous – Past simple – Oraciones condicionales – 1st Conditional – Future Forms – Modal verbs of obligation – Other Modal Forms – – Modal verbs of Probability – Make versus do – Wish – if i only – i´d rather – Past Perfect Simple versus Past Perfect Continuous – uses of get
Horas: 90

1 Unit 1 – present perfect – past simple
1.1 Conversaciones telefonicas
1.2 Vocabulario relacionado con la gastronomia
1.3 The present perfect tense
1.4 Already, yet, just
1.5 Business Phone Call
1.6 Complete the following conversation
1.7 Watch the video then read the script
1.8 Comprehension check
1.9 Vocabulary
1.10 Complete the following table
1.11 Complete the following sentences
1.12 Write the sentences above
1.13 Making Arrangements on the Phone
1.14 Grammar practice
1.15 The Thank You Letter
1.16 Find synonyms in the text
1.17 Verbs whith particle
1.18 Grammar practice
1.19 Put the verbs in brackets
1.20 Vocabulary practice
1.21 Writing
1.22 Fill in the gaps
1.23 Write down the correct preposition
1.24 Writing
1.25 Complete the sentences
1.26 Grammar practice
1.27 Answer the questions below
1.28 Writing
1.29 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1
2 Unit 2 – Past Continuous – Past simple
2.1 Vocabulario relacionado con el tema de la delincuencia
2.2 La diferencia entre steal y rob
2.3 The past continuous tense
2.4 Las expresiones de cantidad
2.5 An investigation
2.6 Vocabulary
2.7 Watch the video then read the script
2.8 Say whether the statements are true or false
2.9 Grammar practice
2.10 Getting back to work
2.11 Grammar practice
2.12 Complete the following text
2.13 Reading
2.14 Vocabulary practice
2.15 Choose the correct form of the verb
2.16 Corret the following sentences
2.17 Writing
2.18 Answer the following questions about yourself
2.19 Writing
2.20 What were you doing
2.21 Translate these sentences into English
2.22 Read the following text
2.23 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2
3 Unit 3 – Oraciones condicionales
3.1 Vocabulariol del sector hotelero
3.2 Las oraciones condicionales
3.3 Watch the video then read the script
3.4 Vocabulary practice
3.5 Comprehension
3.6 Watch the video again and answer the questions
3.7 Complete the following sentences
3.8 Grammar Box
3.9 What type of conditional sentences are they
3.10 Comprehension
3.11 Watch the video and finish the sentences
3.12 Grammar practice
3.13 Listening
3.14 Watch the video and then read the script
3.15 Vocabulary practice
3.16 Supply the correct verb from the box
3.17 Match the following descriptions
3.18 Language in use
3.19 Rewrite the following sentences
3.20 Find and correct the mistake
3.21 Finish each sentence in a suitable way
3.22 Complete the dialogue
3.23 Answer the following questions
3.24 Put the verbs in the correct form
3.25 Writing
3.26 Write about a strange experience
3.27 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3
4 Unit 4 – 1st Conditional – Future Forms
4.1 Imagine you are being interviewed for a job
4.2 Decide if the following are good or bad pieces of advice
4.3 Study the following table and complete it
4.4 Use of the article the with Geographical names
4.5 Grammar Help Box. The First Conditional
4.6 Watch the video and read the script
4.7 Correct the sentences using the words in the box
4.8 Complete the following recipe with these cooking verbs
4.9 Put one of the following verbs in each space
4.10 Read and listen the conversation
4.11 Listening
4.12 Listening
4.13 Reading
4.14 Answer the following questions
4.15 Vocabulary practice
4.16 Grammar Help Box
4.17 Grammar practice
4.18 Put the verb in the correct form using will, going to
4.19 Match the sentences with the descriptions given
4.20 Fill in the spaces in the following sentences
4.21 Read the following text
4.22 Decide if the statements are true or false
4.23 Decide whether the sentences are right or wrong
4.24 Complete the following sentences
4.25 Writing
4.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4
5 Unit 5 – Modal verbs of obligation – Other Modal Forms
5.1 Fears and phobias
5.2 Match up the correct phases
5.3 Such and Soa
5.4 Must and have to
5.5 Watch the video
5.6 Match the modal verbs with one of the descriptions
5.7 Use must or have to to fill the gaps
5.8 Listening
5.9 Vocabulary practice
5.10 Find the phrasal verbs which mean
5.11 Put the following sentences in the correct order
5.12 Reading
5.13 Decide whether the following sentencese
5.14 Vocabulary practice
5.15 Modal Verbs of Obligation
5.16 Phrasal Verbs
5.17 Complete the sentences using the correct form
5.18 Reading
5.19 Complete the sentences with such or so as appropriate
5.20 Complete the sentences
5.21 Writing
5.22 Complete the texts
5.23 Writing
5.24 Writing
5.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5
6 Unit 6 – Modal verbs of Probability – Make versus do
6.1 The Weather
6.2 Modal verbs of probability
6.3 Make and Do
6.4 Grammar practice
6.5 Watch the video and say if the sentences are true or false
6.6 Watch the video read the script and fill in the blanks
6.7 Listening
6.8 Pronunciation practice
6.9 Listening
6.10 Listen and read
6.11 Vocabulary practice
6.12 Match what the doctor says
6.13 Choose the incorrect option in the following lists
6.14 Complete the sentences
6.15 Modal verbs in the past
6.16 Make or Do
6.17 Complete the sentences with one suitable word
6.18 Write sentences to explain each situation
6.19 Decide if the following actions need Make or Do
6.20 Writing
6.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6
7 Unit 7 – wish – if i only – i´d rather
7.1 Idiomatic expressions revision
7.2 Disasters and tragedies
7.3 I wish – if only I – Id rather
7.4 Grammar Practice
7.5 Some other uses of rather
7.6 Watch the video and read the script
7.7 Grammar practice
7.8 Reading
7.9 Now say whether these statements are true or false
7.10 Grammar practice
7.11 Listening
7.12 Listen again and check your answers
7.13 Vocabulary practice
7.14 Choose the correct form of the verb
7.15 Rewrite the following sentences using the given word
7.16 Choose the correct word
7.17 Write ten words that match these definitions
7.18 Choose the correct phrasal verb
7.19 Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or words
7.20 Write three things that you wish were different now
7.21 Write five sentences using phrasal verbs with go
7.22 Writing
7.23 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7
8 Unit 8 – Past Perfect Simple versus Past Perfect Continuous – uses of get
8.1 Banks and banking
8.2 Uses of Get
8.3 Past Perfect Simple vs. Past Perfect Continuous
8.4 Watch the video and read the script
8.5 Grammar practice
8.6 Reading
8.7 Answer the questions about the text
8.8 Vocabulary practice
8.9 Put the words in the box in the correct places in the text
8.10 Hand action verbs
8.11 Listening
8.12 Pronunciation practice
8.13 Complete the sentences in the past perfect using the verbs given
8.14 Complete the sentences with the correct form of Get
8.15 Vocabulary practice
8.16 Complete the sentences with an suitable form of the word given
8.17 Match the verbs below to the correct definition
8.18 Choose the best form of the verbs between brackets in the text below
8.19 Complete the phrases using the present perfecta
8.20 Past perfect
8.21 Read the situations and then completed the sentences
8.22 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8
8.23 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final

Inglés B2

Título: Inglés B2

Objetivos: Este curso busca capacitar al alumnado para el uso del idioma con soltura y eficacia en situaciones habituales y algo más concretas que requieran comprender, producir y tratar textos algo más complejos, y que traten sobre temas generales.
A lo largo del temario se estudiará: Adjective order – Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous – Past Perfect Tense – Reported speech – formas interrogativas en el estilo indirecto – Compound adjectives – The Second Conditional – Third Conditional Review – A different use of would – Relative clauses – All and whole – Adjectives with numbers – The Passive – Phrasal verbs with up – Reported Speech – Expressing probability, possibility, certainty – Present, Past and Future – Question tags
Horas: 90

1 Unit 1 – Adjective order – Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous
1.1 Shapes, materials, and colours
1.2 Adjective order
1.3 Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous
1.4 Watch the video Clip and complete the sentences
1.5 Watch the video again and read the script to check your answers
1.6 Grammar Help Box
1.7 Complete the following sentences using the following words
1.8 Listening
1.9 Reading
1.10 Vocabulary practice
1.11 Reading
1.12 Find words and expressions in the text that mean
1.13 Read the situation and then write two sentences
1.14 Grammar practice
1.15 Vocabulary
1.16 Reading
1.17 Find words in the text which mean the following
1.18 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position
1.19 Present perfect and present perfect continuous
1.20 Vocabulary
1.21 Writing
1.22 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1
2 Unit 2 – Past Perfect Tense – Reported speech – formas interrogativas en el estilo indirecto
2.1 The Past Perfect Tense
2.2 Reported speech
2.3 Las formas interrogativas en el estilo indirecto
2.4 Watch the video
2.5 Watch the video again and complete the sentences
2.6 Listening
2.7 Vocabulary
2.8 Compare these extracts
2.9 Grammar
2.10 Grammar practice
2.11 Put the verbs in brackets in to a suitable past tense
2.12 Writing
2.13 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the box
2.14 Read the diary below
2.15 Grammar practice
2.16 Grammar accuracy check
2.17 Fill in the blanks with a suitable present or past form
2.18 Find one example of the following
2.19 Grammar accuracy check
2.20 Report the following sentences
2.21 Circle the right option
2.22 Writing
2.23 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2
3 Unit 3 – Compound adjectives – The Second Conditional
3.1 What is the name of these machines
3.2 Complete the text using the words given in the box
3.3 Compound adjectives
3.4 The Second Conditional
3.5 Watch the video and read the text
3.6 Complete these sentences from the video
3.7 Grammar practice
3.8 Choose the most suitable tense
3.9 Grammar Help Box
3.10 Complete the sentences
3.11 Listen and answer the questions
3.12 Reading
3.13 Vocabulary practice
3.14 Guess the meanings of the words from their context
3.15 Now match the verbs with their definitions
3.16 Second conditional
3.17 Match the two halves of the sentences
3.18 Grammar practice
3.19 Vocabulary
3.20 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word given
3.21 Compound adjectives
3.22 Complete the sentences using the second conditional
3.23 Write sentences using the prompts
3.24 Writing
3.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3
4 Unit 4 – Third Conditional Review – A different use of would
4.1 Put the fields listed in the box under the correct heading
4.2 Match the words with the definitions
4.3 Use words from the box to complete the sentences
4.4 Third Conditional Review
4.5 A different use of would
4.6 Vocabulary
4.7 Watch the video and read the script
4.8 Grammar practice
4.9 Grammar Help Box
4.10 Read the text below and complete it with the following words
4.11 Complete the following sentences about Mark
4.12 Listening
4.13 Listen again, read the script and check your answers
4.14 Vocabulary practice
4.15 Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence
4.16 Choose the correct tense
4.17 Fill in the gap with the correct word
4.18 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs
4.19 Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps
4.20 Fill in the gap with an appropriate modal verb
4.21 Grammar practice
4.22 Write conditional sentences based on the following situations
4.23 Writing
4.24 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4
5 Unit 5 – Relative clauses – All and whole
5.1 Complete the sentences
5.2 Complete the postcard with the words from the list
5.3 Relative clauses
5.4 All and whole
5.5 Grammar Help Box
5.6 Watch the video then read the script
5.7 Reading
5.8 Find words in the text for the following
5.9 Listening
5.10 Talking About Feelings
5.11 Defining Relative Clauses
5.12 Non-defining relative clauses
5.13 Idiomatic Expressions
5.14 Add commas where necessary
5.15 Reading
5.16 Put the words in brackets in their correct forms
5.17 Writing practice
5.18 Look at the following advertising slogans
5.19 Grammar practice
5.20 Writing
5.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5
6 Unit 6 – Adjectives with numbers – The Passive
6.1 Vocabulary for food containers and packaging
6.2 Adjectives with numbers
6.3 Grammar Help Box – The Passive
6.4 Grammar Help Box
6.5 The Passive
6.6 Watch the video and complete the script using passives
6.7 Grammar practice
6.8 Listening
6.9 Reading
6.10 Answer the following questions
6.11 Grammar practice
6.12 Vocabulary practice
6.13 Choose the correct form of the verb
6.14 Theatre vocabulary
6.15 Let in the passive
6.16 A new airport is under construction in your town
6.17 Reading
6.18 Vocabulary practice
6.19 Grammar practice
6.20 Writing
6.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6
7 Unit 7 – Phrasal verbs with up – Reported Speech
7.1 Complete the sentences using words from the box
7.2 Phrasal verbs with up
7.3 Reported Speech
7.4 Watch the video and read the script
7.5 Change the sentences below into reported speech
7.6 Grammar practice
7.7 Rewrite the following questions into reported or indirect
7.8 Reading
7.9 Vocabulary practice
7.10 Listening
7.11 Reporting verbs
7.12 More reporting verbs
7.13 Phrasal verbs with up
7.14 Car vocabulary
7.15 Match the verbs from the list with the definitions
7.16 Reported speech
7.17 Put the following into reported speech
7.18 Indirect questions
7.19 Writing
7.20 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7
8 Unit 8 – Expressing probability, possibility, certainty – Present, Past and Future
8.1 Vocabulary to do with prisons and punishmen
8.2 Crime
8.3 Complete the following sentences
8.4 Expressing probability, possibility, certainty – Present and Future
8.5 Expressing probability, possibility, certainty – Past
8.6 Complete the sentences
8.7 Purpose using – so that
8.8 Watch the video and answer the questions
8.9 Watch the video and read the script
8.10 Read the letter and correct the mistakes
8.11 Listening
8.12 Check your answers
8.13 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb
8.14 Choose the correct adjective
8.15 Fill in the gaps with the correct word
8.16 Grammar practice
8.17 Transformations
8.18 Choose the correct verb
8.19 Rewrite part A of the text below in reported speech
8.20 Rewrite part B of the text below in reported speech
8.21 Write five things that might happen
8.22 What could happen to you
8.23 Write five things that might have happened
8.24 Write five things which we assume must have happened
8.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8
9 Unit 9 – Question tags
9.1 Vocabulary to do with housework
9.2 Question tags
9.3 Expressing agreement using so and neither
9.4 Watch the video and fill in the spaces in the text
9.5 The following words or phrases are used in the video
9.6 Reading
9.7 Grammar practice
9.8 Look at the following sentences from the text
9.9 Look at the table again and complete
9.10 Study the rules above and fill in the gaps
9.11 Grammar and Listening practice
9.12 Pronunciation practice
9.13 Listen to the sentences again
9.14 Vocabulary practice
9.15 Making suggestions
9.16 Vocabulary
9.17 Choose the best form of the adjective
9.18 Question Tags
9.19 So and neither
9.20 Fill in the gaps in these sentences using one of the following words
9.21 Make the following phrases into questions
9.22 Reported speech
9.23 Grammar practice
9.24 Writing
9.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 9
9.26 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final

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